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Customer Testimonials

That's why window washing just isn't an option for most people. Here at Best Local Window Cleaning we know all your needs and we'll do the job to your satisfaction!

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Many of us today are so busy we need help just to keep up. And washing windows isn't easy. It can be tedious, time-consuming, and dangerous. It entails moving furniture around to access windows, working with soapy water over floors and carpets, and maneuvering through landscaping. The job gets increasingly difficult with high rises where exterior cleaning involves hanging out of a window on a harness.

Below are thank you letters and comments from our clients. Best Local Window Cleaning takes pride in being constantly referred by our clients to their friends and family. We are grateful for their loyalty and support over the years and look forward to seeing your comments on this page in the future!

Customer Reviews

You guys did such a nice job for us over the summer that we would like to get a service contract for once a year to have the windows cleaned in the spring/summer time.

Thank you,
Amanda O.
Thurcon Properties, LTD.

"I couldn't be happier! Service and price are both outstanding."

18th floor apartment owner West 61st Street,
Manhattan 23 sliding windows and screens

"Everything was wonderful, as usual…window cleaning of the best quality that I've seen, without the high price. Thank you!"

4th floor, 3-bedroom apartment
Third Avenue, Manhattan
16 windows with screens and child protection gates

Contact us and we'll do our best to bring bright colors back into your life through sparkling clean windows.

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